Montag, 31. März 2008

Borat Paradise

jede woche eine neue welt. mein kollege faisal (ein saudi) hat mich in der vergangenen woche mal mit in das hotel grace genommen. hier wird in allen raeumen noch lecker geraucht, was das die lunge hergibt. selbst der wachmann, der unter einem "rauchen verboten" schild sitzt, hat laessig an seiner zigarette gezogen.

die lobby beherbergt neben einer bowling-bahn auch ein uzbek-restaurant - dort moechte man wirklich mal 1.000 nasen haben.

im hinteren bereich wird jeden aben "arabian night" gefeiert. auf der buehne: eine 12 mann kapelle mit klassisch persischen instrumenten und einem saenger, der alles gibt, was an leidenschaft, herz, schmerz und haargel zu geben ist. vor der buehne: marokkanische dirnen, die in erster linie durch ihre molligkeit beeindrucken. daneben echte schnurrbarttraeger aus ueberzeugung, die ab und an zum saenger gehen, und dort geld regnen lassen. eine wunderbare geste: mit der laessigsten handbewegung, die man sich vorstellen kann, wird ein schein nach dem anderem aus dem ganz dicken buendel von oben auf den saenger geworfen. danach wird gekuesst.

humus, kebab, roti und shisha schmecken um 3 uhr morgens gleich nochmal so gut.

habe am samstag mit guiba meine ersten golfbaelle bestraft. fuer einen euro gab´s den schlaeger (7er eisen) und fuer zwei euro 120 baelle dazu. da wir nicht in einen ueberteuerten trainer investieren wollten (10 euro/std), haben wir einfach ein wenig rumprobiert. gar nicht so leicht - aber sooo schwer nu auch nicht.

beim kartfahren waren wir dann eher in unserem element. schneller waren nur die kleinen 12jaehrigen rotznasen, die die worte angst, auffahrunfall und amputation noch nicht im aktiven wortschatz haben.

und dann waren da noch die fuenf auf einem motorrad. safety first - hier wird sicherheit ganz gross geschrieben.

Dienstag, 25. März 2008

long time no see

some people have told me that they like my blog, but they cannot understand one single word. hence i will write this post in english.

what has happened since vietnam (never mind the real order):

i have had a couple of nice days with my dad who managed to drop in during a business trip. we did some classic tourist stuff here, basically hanging out together - very nice. unfortunately, this has been yet another "dry weekend" in bkk due to elections. duh.

i went to my first real thai night out with a couple of colleagues. there is a venue near my place where a thai rock-band plays nice music - since i was the only farang there, i have had the best view. very interesting indeed.

afterwards we went to q-bar, only to attend a very hot ibiza / hedkandi party. crazy stuff, until the police raided the place. seems to get common now to close down clubs around 1 pm by police force. boooring! that's where i have been standing next to michael clarke duncan (the big guy from the movie "the green mile"). he is one big pile of meat!

so, we got kicked out of there, only to hit the next place called "spicy" - the owners obviously bribe the police best, so we stayed til 4 or 5 am. who knows ... this where i met juergen, a member of german rock legends "die happy". what a night.

there has also been a nice fare well party at capehouse for a filipino colleague who moved to tokyo in the meantime. the filipinos are crazy: some guys turned up with fireworks, only to set them up at the swimming-pool at midnight. apparently, the police had to come and the next day half of the water had to be released from the pool to repair some tiles that broke. as you know me, i want to stay out of trouble and left early.

at another colleagues farewell party, he ended up in a shopping cart, only to be pushed into the pool. looked like jackass, what a show. why didn't i think of that?

the winners of the best birthday cake have been found last week:

3. capehouse with a nice butter/fruit/cream cake (bad taste, too much for one person)
2. monster le notre chocolate cake from my colleagues (too heavy, but great)
1. my favourite "jaffa cake" sent by mail from my wife - how romantic

out of the competition was the great marzipan torte from my mom - unfortunately i only saw it through skype, hence no score.

last weekend, otto and his friends olli and matthias arrived plus jan stechmann. we spent a night which included bars, pizza, adult entertainment, elephants, police raid at bedsupper club and another amazing model party at the fashion-tv yacht.

i will spare the reports from work as that's not so exciting to read - or to write home about.

just came back from jakarta today, hoping to get a chance to lay low for while. ah, what the hell.

oh, and i got a tattoo - this time for real.